Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling)
Medical Acupuncture or Dry Needling is a treatment that uses a ‘dry’ needle (one without medication or injection) inserted through the skin into areas of the muscle to help pain and movement impairments. The needle stimulates trigger points that can cause pain to other parts of the body and are ideal to use when the muscle isn’t manually palpable.
The procedure is believed to relieve pain by stimulating the brain and nervous system to produce pain-relieving chemicals, such as endorphins. This is thought to help promote the body’s natural healing process, which can be essential in the treatment of painful musculoskeletal problems.
Not to be confused with Chinese Acupuncture, Medical Acupuncture is part of modern Western medicine principles and supported by research.
This procedure can also promote relaxation, resulting in a feeling of improved wellbeing.
Does it hurt?
Acupuncture needles are usually made of sterilised, stainless steel, specially prepared for the purpose of acupuncture. They are very fine and usually only a couple of centimetres long. Because the needles are so fine, it wont feel like having an injection or a blood test, which uses needles with a cutting edge.
The sensation varies from person to person. Some people feel a slight sharpness, a tingling or a dull ache, whereas other people feel nothing at all.
Mike offers medical acupuncture as part of massage treatments or as a stand-alone 30 minute treatment.
Benefits of Medical Acupuncture include:
Help with chronic pain, such as musculoskeletal problems;
Joint pain;
Postoperative pain.